Händedesinfektionsmittel SE 110

Händedesinfektionsmittel SE 110

D 110

Product Information

  • Alcoholic disinfectant based on ethanol
  • Effective against bacteria, yeasts and enveloped viruses
  • Spectrum of activity: bactericidal, yeasticidal, limited virucidal
  • Fragrance-free
  • Free from additives
  • VAH and IHO listed
  • Meets the requirements within the framework of an HACCP concept


Environmental Information

Proportion of easily degradable ingredients

100 %

Phosphorus content

0 mg/g

Palm oil-based raw materials - RSPO-certified share


Sales units

  • D110-E500: 20 x 500 ml Euro dispenser bottle
  • D110-E001: 12 x 1 l Euro dispenser bottle

Download area

  • Упатство за користење
  • Безбедносни листови
  • Листови со технички податоци
  • Информации за животната средина
  • Здружение за применета хигиена д. V. (VAH)

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