

G 505



  • Oxidation and adherent contamination (corrosion, incrustations, etc.)

Material compatibility

  • Copper
  • Aluminium | indoor
  • Crockery, glasses and cutlery | manual
  • Chrome
  • Brass
  • Enamel
  • Stainless steel
  • Ceramic hobs

Product Information

  • Intensive deep-acting cleaning power
  • Material-compatible
  • Good skin tolerance
  • Creates a beading effect on the treated surface
  • Pleasant fragrance

Area of application


Environmental Information

Proportion of easily degradable ingredients

98.5 %

Phosphorus content

4.9 mg/g

Palm oil-based raw materials - RSPO-certified share


Sales units

  • G505-0200DE: 1 x 200 l drum
  • G505-0600RA: 12 x 600 ml bottle

Download area

  • Упатство за користење
  • Безбедносни листови
  • Листови со технички податоци
  • Информации за животната средина